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The File of Life is an important document used to provide critical information in a concise format for healthcare professionals, like our ASVAC EMTs.

Instructions to fill out the File of Life:

  1. Print the PDF file linked below.

  2. Fill out the form. Be sure all information is accurate and legible - if you need any help, call Tony at (914) 494-1402.

  3. Use pencil, not pen, when filling out medications to allow for easy updating. Whenever your medications or their dosages change, be sure to change it on your file.

  4. Place the form (and any other forms, like a DNR or MOLST) in a clear sheet protector or bag, taped to the outside of your refrigerator.


Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders are directives for healthcare providers not to perform CPR in the event of cardiac arrest. DNR orders are unique, because CPR is the only medical intervention that requires an order not to administer it.

DNR orders must be issued and affirmed by physicians, not by patients. If a patient wants CPR to be withheld, they must discuss the decision with a physician to receive a DNR order. 

If a patient is unable to actually discuss their wishes with a physician, other end-of-life documents exist to cover their wishes, known as advance directives. Advance directives help guide physicians' decisions if patients cannot be consulted.

Durable powers of attorney allow others, often family members, to make decisions for an incapacitated patient, usually within guidelines outlined in the document. It is common for families to use a combination of durable powers of attorney and advance directives to help physicians make the appropriate call.


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