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Lend a hand - or a cane!

Lend a Cane is a program that promotes the sharing of assistive mobility devices - canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs – to members of the Ardsley community who find themselves in need of such mobility devices.


  1. Fill out the appropriate form on the website.

  2. Get in contact with an ASVAC source to detail the transportation of the assistive mobility device. If donating, it can be dropped off at the station. If borrowing, the equipment can be picked up at the station or dropped off.

  3. After using the device for however long you need, contact ASVAC once again to arrange a drop-off/return time.


Please note: disclaimer.


​We're committed to tirelessly providing the highest level of patient care and service to our community. ASVAC is the primary EMS 9-1-1 responding agency for the Village of Ardsley. We also provide services for neighboring communities as requested.


The "Secor" in our name refers to a part of the unincorporated Town of Greenburgh that exists within the boundaries of the Ardsley School District.


The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

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19 American Legion Drive

P.O. Box 133

Ardsley, NY 10502


914-6-ASVAC-5 (627-8225)

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